Vet Marketing Email Newsletters.

Our Newsletter Service.

Newsletter Options

Small Animal Newsletter
Focusing on pets of all shapes and sizes, our monthly Pet Care Newsletter features five pet care advice articles, one article promoting environmental initiatives for pet owners and a round-up of notable animal welfare news from around the world. Includes the option for you to log in and add your own local content.
Large Animal Newsletter

Focusing on livestock and horses, our monthly Large Animal Newsletter features invaluable information on the care and upkeep of beef and dairy cattle, sheep and horses – as well as relevant, noteworthy news from the global livestock industry. Each edition includes five livestock articles and two equine articles. Includes the option for you to log in and add your own local content.

Mixed Animal Newsletter
Pets, Livestock and Equine

A mix of five pet care advice articles, three livestock articles and two equine articles per month. Includes the option for you to log in and add your own local content.

Pets and Equine Only

Includes five pet care advice articles and two equine articles per month. Includes the option for you to log in and add your own local content.

Email Newsletter Service Features.

Regular Newsletters Made Easy.
Engaging, Vet-Written Content.
Your Newsletter, Your Brand.
Easily Add Your Own Content.
Topical, Action-Driven Articles.
Reliable and Consistent.
We’re Here To Help!
Powerful Performance Reporting.

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